How to Describe Birth to a First-Time Pregnant Woman

I’ll come straight to the point: There is a severe lack of women on this planet who enjoy their birthing experience, let alone walking away from it with a profound depth of empowerment. What is going so wrong? When I tried to talk to mothers in my life about birth during my first pregnancy, little was shared. Time and time again I was met with an awkward smile, and these forced words: “You’ll be fine.” Unfortunately, to me those words only seemed to have the opposite of their intended effect.

Though the words were an attempt at comfort and support, which I appreciated, the energy behind that statement came across more like sympathy, as these women couldn’t help but relive their own experiences, which to them would translate to my experience.


The word “risk” places a dark shadow over the word “birth.” Why has this come to be? How differently would we feel about birth if we were exposed to the truth on a daily basis? The ratings just aren’t there for the tabloid headlines which read: “Mother gives birth to healthy baby—again.” Or “Mother went into labor spontaneously, listened to her body and her baby, and gave birth in a position that felt right to her in her home.” Or “Mother calmly breathed through her contractions and birthed her baby with joy.” What if we received a notification on social media every time a birth just unfolded on its own—mother and baby healthy, ecstatically happy, and now bonding and getting to know each other? Yes, complications happen, but if we truly knew of the multitude of births that just flow, our view of birth would change overnight.

When we discover we are pregnant, we have access to two doors—but because so many choose the first door, or perhaps because we feel it is our only option, the second door is forgotten, even hidden.

The first door is choosing technocratic support. The second door is unlocked when we choose to trust our abilities, our bodies, our babies, and the process, and then find the care provider who has the same belief—a care provider who believes you should be in control, and who respects that your birth will happen on its own timeline. Unless the need arises for medical attention, you have no reason to believe that your pregnancy and birth can’t unfold smoothly and without medical management. That’s difficult, however, when we are thwarted at every turn and told to believe the complete opposite.

What if, one by one, we felt that pregnancy and birth was ours, and not something to hand over? What if we thought of pregnancy and birth as the ultimate expression of our power— something to protect, not give up? What if we all started to openly acknowledge our intuition, which is especially heightened during pregnancy, and what it means for guiding ourselves and our babies safely through our pregnancy journeys?

As more of us go into pregnancy and birth with open hearts, an acceptance of the process, and true appreciation of our bodies and how beautifully they facilitate labor and birth, the more of us will emerge from the experience forever changed for the better. And so will our babies!

Provided and published by ICPA. By Alison Howley, PW #53
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Nurture the Nervous System, Nourish the Baby

We all know the benefits of breastfeeding for a newborn, but we also must not underestimate the joy and emotional well-being that follow when a mother is able to feed her infant as planned and find empowerment through her own natural ability. Yet far too many women suffer from unexplained pain, latch problems and even infection when they attempt to breastfeed, one of the most natural things in the world. This overwhelming pain and trouble can cause the early cessation of the nursing relationship and considerable emotional turmoil. This not only results in disappointment for the mom, but also affects an infant who misses out on the very best in early nutrition.

Inability to latch, refusal to nurse on one side, pain, and fussiness on the part of the baby are often the beginning of the end when it comes to breastfeeding. The answer to these problems is generally misunderstood by medicine. Yet, chiropractic adjustment of the infant and mother has been found to be an effective, painless, relatively inexpensive, quick, and safe solution to many common breastfeeding problems. Not only does a proper adjustment of the newborn by a well-trained, ICPA-certified chiropractor often alleviate these problems, but relief is frequently found after just one visit.

Breastfeeding Success

What do mothers say who have found success because of chiropractic? Theryssa Gossman, a mother of two and a Birth Boot Camp childbirth educator in Memphis, had this to say about chiropractic:


My newborn daughter wouldn’t nurse on the right side and I developed mastitis before I knew what the problem was. I took her to get adjusted and they told me she was out of alignment and it was causing her discomfort to lie on her left side. Our chiropractor adjusted her and she started nursing like a champ… for 32 months!

Just one adjustment enabled her child to empty the breast properly so that she could get adequate nutrition for her growth and development.

Click here to download the full Chiropractic Newsletter article.

Article provided by and published by ICPA.